
How To Fix 500 Internal Server Error in WordPress Websites

The dreaded 500 internal server error. Whether you are installing a new plugin or you are uploading a new theme, we all have faced this 500 internal server error.

I will keep it short and sweet because I know you are stuck in between trial and error to fix your 500 internal server error on your WordPress website.

What you can do is:

Goto: Settings > Permalinks > And then Save the permalinks setting without touching any other settings.

This should take care of your errors. Easy fix right?

Oh god! I am still stuck and the 500 internal server error won’t go away.

Ok, let’s go more advanced.

Open your Cpanel or your FTP manager. See that .htaccess file?

Make a good backup of that and create a new blank .htaccess file.
Then we have to follow the same process of saving those permalinks in WordPress admin area.

This should take care of that stubborn 500 internal server error.

Still hanging? only God can help you now. ok, let’s try one last thing, if this fails you have to contact your hosting provider.

Disable all your plugins and revert your website to the default WordPress theme.

This should do the trick, if not, write a new ticket to your hosting provider and they should be able to see what the roadblock is.

We hope this helps.