Barx Buddy is one of the newest pet gadgets to hit the market in the United States. It was designed by an Ex-Professional Dog Trainer who wanted to develop a way to control bad dog behavior like begging for food, non-stop barking at the doorbell, barking late at night, destroying your couch cushions or whatever other annoying pet behavior that needs to end. The device works by emitting a super high pitched whistle that only pets can hear. It doesn’t cause them any pain, or hurt them at all, but it will help stop their bad behaviors. As a new pug owner myself, I figured it would be good if I tested it out and saw if it actually could live up to it’s stated benefits. My pug is still learning to be a good boy, so this was the perfect product for me to test with him.
How Do You Use Barx Buddy?
It’s really simple to use. Whenever your dog starts doing the bad behavior, physically get in between them and whatever they’re doing wrong, point the Barx Buddy device at them and hold the button. Barx Buddy will start playing a noise that only they can hear which will make them start backing away from it. Once they do that, just let go of the button and give your dog a treat so that they know good things happen when they aren’t misbehaving.
If Barx Buddy doesn’t do the trick at first because your dog is being extra aggressive and misbehaving, then it also comes equipped with a flashlight that you can turn on and point at them that makes it even more effective. The flashlight that comes equipped on it also can be used at night when you’re taking your dog for walks.
But you don’t just need to use Barx Buddy on your own dog. If a situation occurs where someone elses dog is behaving aggressively towards you or your dog you can also use it to keep them away. This is where Barx Buddy was especially useful for me. When I take Milo my 1 year old Pug for walks at the dog park, sometimes more aggressive dogs like to come up and bother us. Just last week, this happened when I was playing fetch with Milo… A big pitbull (who obviously wasn’t neutered) constantly came running towards us every time I’d throw Milo the ball. This was getting a bit scary for me, and the owner of the pitbull wasn’t really doing anything to prevent this behavior. So I pulled out my Barx Buddy and I pushed the button while directing it at the pitbull – he backed off and didn’t bother us again. The fact that it actually worked was something I was surprised about. Most of the dog training products I buy overstate their benefits and don’t do much in the way of actually correcting bad dog behavior.
My Verdict On Barx Buddy
After using Barx Buddy for several weeks I can tell you that it actually works to correct most bad behaviors in my dog. It’s important to note that I can’t verify any claims made that say it works with other pets, I doubt very much it will work for a bird or cat despite what some of their advertising says. In terms of my pug though, it did stop him from barking whenever the doorbell rang, or chewing on my slippers. The Barx Buddy website says that it should work with all breeds of dogs – and I’ve done some research on the internet and people say they have tested it and it works with the following breeds:
· Chihuahua
· Labrador Retriever
· Yorki-Poo
· German Shepherd
· Boxer
· Husky
· Weiner Dog
· Bulldog
· Rottweiler
· Great Dane
· Poodle
· Yorkshire
· Gold Retriever
I can also say that it worked to stop a pitbull from coming towards us at the local dog park – so you can add that to the list of breeds it should work on. If you’re looking for a way to correct bad dog behavior without spending thousands on a dog trainer then this is the device you want.
You can purchase it direct from the manufacturers website here.